[kj] KJ Japan Picture on E-bay

ade ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk
Tue Jun 20 17:42:56 EDT 2006

I probably have a copy of that too :)

-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net
[mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of fatpotanga
Sent: 20 June 2006 22:36
To: The Gathering
Subject: Re: [kj] KJ Japan Picture on E-bay

It's amazing what people will/can sell innit?
Many moons ago - 1987 ish - the band I was in had a demo reviewed in Making
Music. It was free mag for musos; quite big in it's day.
Anyways, next to our review (4/5 btw ;) is a demo by young Oxford hopeful
Thom Yorke. I still have it & occasionally wonder what a Radiohead geek
would pay for it.
I reckon with a fair wind behind me I could probably get something in the
region of £2 / £3.
Wanna piee of that eh? Hmmm.
Who wants to be my friend now then...?
[looks at phone expectantly, drumming fingers - sighs, goes to bed...]

Yet another great tale from the fatpotanga vaults.
I'd make an excellent boring uncle wouldn't I..?


Cats have wonky eyes

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