[kj] tour off....

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 14 02:29:04 EST 2006

Me too. Put it off and do it right when the timing is
better if that's what it takes.

Speaking of Raven, a friend of mine who lives in
Portland Oregon told me that Raven is playing bass on
his new bands' demo and actually wrote a few songs for
said band, which he said were really great. I asked
him how this came to pass and he told me that Raven's
wife, Melinda, is best friends with said bands' guitar
player. Interesting.


--- Robert Mallett <Robert at jrcardwell.fsnet.co.uk>

> Still, I'd rather wait & have it with raven
> exactly, and my guess is that's the reason.
> bob
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