[kj] Tour

Jim Harper jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Mar 18 07:59:23 EST 2006

Oh piss off. I'm sure there are more effective ways of indulging your obviously wonderful sense of humour. Unless you're really desperate and somewhat sad, this really isn't the best place to pull yet another oh-so-hilarious series of fake e-mails. It's not funny in the first place, but doing it here is just staggeringly pointless.
UN WELCOME <unwelcomeinthen at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
    ^you a feking hoodie mate? want any good crack?^
  yo bruv . smtimes da feds brose da intanet. if ya ave n e good stuf ta sell , den be mor discrete. da feds smtimes kik ya dor down in da mrning if ya seling da crack. if ya ave top grde stuf den mail me off lst. 
      me not "feking hoodie", me fukin nuting at da momnt bruv, bit of a lean spel. I may ave to vst som hos. sck neds mpting.
       L8rs m8 

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