[kj] Tour news from benny

cliff at killing-joke.com cliff at killing-joke.com
Mon Mar 20 17:09:14 EST 2006

hey folks,alot of rumours flying around,try to hold off untill we get official
word otherwise,have heard rumours of all sorts.I think that if they're still
selling tickets,and the official website killingjoke.com has tour dates
posted,then the tour is on.cheers,cliff

Quoting fatpotanga <fatpotanga at gmail.com>:

>> Was a definatly Ben whom you was speaking to and not an impostor?
> Yes it was.
> Actually, are you definitely the 'Un Welcome' or an impostor?
> I only ask as you are no longer Ali G, unless you're now Borat...?  :)
> I can't see how it can be 'on' if the drummer is saying it isn't.
> Hopefully they all still love each other & it'll all resume at a later date.
> In my heart of hearts I fear KJ may have fractured again, on the eve of
> their greatest releases for years, which is sad.
> On 20/3/06 10:11, "UN WELCOME" wrote:
>> Can you ask him *why* the tour is off. Was a definatly Ben whom you was
>> speaking to and not an impostor? If the tour really is off, and Jaz 
>> is pulling
>> the wool over your eyes, then that is disgraceful.
>>    Will Jaz be taken ill on the eve of the tour? Will his voice
>> *unexpectibable deteriorate* and this force a cancellation?(Ho-hum).
>>    Should nt the band be in rehersals now, the first gig is only two weeks
>> away. How long do bands usually spend in rehersals before they undertake a
>> tour of this size?
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