[kj] Afterburner - Read up

Arvid Mork kj_mork at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 22 13:35:42 EST 2006

Ok, I understand the problem with people not buying the cd single. But I 
will. And
I rather buy two cd-sigles than use itunes. I have bought all the other 
cd-singles too.
Even though I had the songs and well most remixes are shit.

So where should I order the cd and cd-single ?




Arvid (Norway)

>Arvid, itunes has them available to download.
>I won't put them up if you don't mind, though I have been in contact with 
>someone who did not mind that I put the remix up as they understood the 
>reason for me doing so.
>However, on that note, it will be down tomorrow but I can confirm that it 
>was Geordie who mixed it.
>As for other news, I just would say that someone is working very hard to 
>make sense of the madness and is trying extremely hard to pull things 
>together so that all the good work is not wasted.
>That's all I want to say!

>Ok, could please someone put Afterburner (orginal) and Universe B on the
>for the rest of us to hear! It piss me off you talking about songs I have
>not heard ! :>
>Thank You
>Arvid (Norway)
> >Just listening to it now. Prefer it to the cd-single version, but still
> >don't really get it. Lyrics are  crap, though. "Scream if you want to go
> >faster...!" Yeah, Baby etc.
> >
> >'Universe B' is much better. A "proper" song! Hopefully more of those
> >Geordie demos will manifest, there's a really nice one I can't believe 
> >didn't use for the last album.
> >
> >Thanks, Robert.
> >

> > >
> > >  No offese, but I don't quite get the reason for this remix. It sounds
> > > like the song being played backwards with the guitar dubbed out. At
> >least
> > > some of the remixes from the 90s were dancable, as annoying as they
> >were.
> > > Thanks for posting it anyways.
> > >

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