[kj] Gods Walk Among Us Now
Darth E. Vader
crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Mar 23 12:47:48 EST 2006
Having listened to the new Killing Joke album a hell
of a lot since 3/3, I reckon it rates on a par with
Extremities and the 2003 album. The 'garage band' idea
seems to be a good way for them to progress, ie.
return to the set up that suited them best. However I
never had any problems with the production of the 2003
Favourite track is a tie between 'Walking With Gods'
(bastard mutant spawn of Sun Gone Down on Dominator)
and 'Majestic.' Geordie manages to make the simplest
guitar parts seem revelatory, that ascending skyward
four chord riff from 'Majestic' and the brutal almost
techno momentum of 'Walking With Gods' are classic
Joke material.
The strings on 'Invocation' are probably the most
successful merging of rock music with classical
orchestra ever recorded.
Some people were asking what the first verse of
'Walking With Gods' is all about. Maybe the lyric is
best regarded in the context of the songs on either
side of it, and in the light of the many legends from
many different cultures (including the book of Genesis
and Maori legends both of which Jaz Coleman would be
well aware of) that tell of a time when so called gods
and humans interbred.
'Contact's been established with the critters from the
'Fight by day fuck by night'
...er most all of the song really!
Apparently, the Maoris indirectly ascribe their entire
civilisation to a love affair between a daughter of a
chief and a 'prince of the country in the sky.' He was
caught by the chief but then accepted as his
son-in-law. A Maori deputation was allowed to visit
the 'sky country' where they learnt useful new arts
from superior beings.
The only track I've been skipping at all is
'Lightbringer.' Its the only one that sounds a bit
like another band (Hawkwind) which is probably why. It
also has Jaz's least convincing vocal delivery on the
album and probably his most controversial lyric ever.
However considering the propensity of human scientists
to experiment on everything around them, it seems
highly unlikely that visitors from other planets that
are curious enough to visit Earth would not carry out
similar experiments. Since the outcome of these
experiments would most likely be best served by the
subjects of the experiments (the human race) not
knowing they are being experimented on, the
enlighteners and initiators would try to maintain
Or could the Lightbringers actually be time travellers
from the future?
Favourite lyric is from 'Majestic':
"The surface of the Earth will soon resemble Mars"
Where are they from and why do they visit us?
They are from the dog star and they want to listen to
Killing Joke!
Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine
Look at grafitti scrawled on the wall:
Dubya can't catch family friend Bin Liner...
But what the HELL?
They talk to God!
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