[kj] Taif No More

PRAEst76 praest76 at escapism.co.uk
Sun Mar 26 16:18:17 EST 2006

On Sunday 26 March 2006 21:02, Robert Mallett wrote:

> http://www.no2id.net/index.php
> u guys should have a serious look at this and ask yourselves why it's
> getting so little media coverage.

I did and I told myself it was due to apathy. People know it's coming and 
claim to be concerned but "can't do anything about it".

Most folks are too busy worshiping their favourite celebs and worrying about 
houses prices to really care.

Y'see, it's not about preventing bad things from happening, it's about waiting 
until the bad things happen and then putting effort into finding someone to 
blame for it all later.

Besides ID cards will mean we are all less likely to go to burn in hell or 

Anyway, what has all this got to do with Taif?

np: 500 Things... - It was an accident

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