[kj] OT Tod A

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 28 19:51:02 EST 2006

Hmm. Thought I'd answered this, but it doesn't seem to have shown up.

In any case, Tod's back in NYC. Spoke with him earlier today, in  
fact. And it wasn't Japan -- he was teaching English and doing some  
translation work in Thailand and Calcutta, India. He came back in  
December. He plans to go back, but in the interim, he's been trying  
to raise funds to pay for it, has entirely demo'd the next Firewater  
album and is currently in negotiations to show some of his  
photography in an art gallery.

Tod playing bass for Killing Joke? He is a fan of theirs -- but I  
don't think the respective sensibilities would mesh very well.  I'm  
sure they'd be great drinking buddies, though. I'll mention it to him.

Oh, and you can see examples of his work (and read about his highly  
entertaining accounts of his travels in India) via the link below:


Alex in NYC

On Mar 28, 2006, at 3:18 PM, Christof hamille wrote:

> I guess this is directed towards Alex in NYC but anyone else who  
> knows the answer please chime in.
> Whatever became of Tod A?  I heard he was going to Japan to teach  
> English for a year (or something like that).  Is he back?  What is  
> his next musical venture (if there is one).  Would he play bass in  
> Killing Joke (that is a joke...no pun intended)?
> Always have Firewater and Cop shoot Cop on the iPod and they  
> finally swund around in the mix
> Chris
> Dropping Like Flies
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