PRAEst76 praest76 at escapism.co.uk
Fri Mar 31 06:11:51 EST 2006

On Friday 31 March 2006 10:56, Phillipps Marc wrote:

> I tried the Gimp yesterday (being potatochopless at work) and couldn't
> really get it working (possibly a side effect of being on an ancient NT4
> system)

The GIMP is a very good program let down by not being particularly user 
friendly.  The Grokking the Gimp book is very good but is very hard to get in 
hardcopy. The fact that the GIMP is GTK based doesn't help a lot as it can be 
slow on lower end systems. A bit like Mozilla.

NT4... oh you have my commiserations. I had to unblock ladies lavs for a 
living once. Was preferable to buggering about with NT4.

Thank the laird for linux.

np: Ozric Tentacles - Vita Voom

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