[kj] Maybe this will clear things up.

LONESTYLE at aol.com LONESTYLE at aol.com
Sun May 14 17:22:27 EDT 2006

It is such a dead issue!
All this shit is like High School gossip! 
In a message dated 5/14/2006 2:14:41 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
ms014a8768 at blueyonder.co.uk writes:

That KJ site almost ran itself. It was the  gestapo like regime that fucked 
people off. I got called a thief and then he  banned me from reponding and 
defending myself. He censored stuff that was  not particularly bad then denied 
doing it! This type of stuff made running the  site a hard job. I hated the 
Martyr like way he behaved when confronted with  critisism. He would just 
steamroller his own thoughts through and if  people did not agree then they were given 
the big fuck off!
I could not give a shit if he is running a  Ministry site.

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