[kj] OT To veil or not to veil to no avail
lucyfyre at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 14:04:23 EDT 2006
There is a funny twist with multi-culturalism when we consider Muslims.
In Islam there are what are called "people of the book." These 'ahl
al-dhimma' (Christians, Jews, a funny group called Sabians, plus some others
that I can't remember right now) are allowed to live in safety within Muslim
countries in exchange for a special tax. I think western countries should do
the same, add a special tax for being Muslim ;)
On 10/12/06, flight Bringer <flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> "multi-centralism that for my money is being exercised in a
> provocative way testing the essence of Œwestern¹ freedoms, almost as a
> precursor to dismantling them."
> There is a section of Muslim extremists who would like to turn the UK
> into an Islamic state . In a recent channel 4 documentary , 60 % of
> Muslims
> interviewed said that they would not inform the authorities if they knew
> of
> a forth-coming terror attack .
> >From: Dave Noonan <noonan.hq at ntlworld.com>
> >Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the
> >band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
> >To: <gathering at misera.net>
> >Subject: [kj] OT To veil or not to veil to no avail
> >Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 00:27:34 +0100
> >
> >Late as ever into this discussion, but this has me vexed; I think this is
> >an
> >aspect of multi-centralism that for my money is being exercised in a
> >provocative way testing the essence of Œwestern¹ freedoms, almost as a
> >precursor to dismantling them. Personally I have grown up with the need
> to
> >Œsee¹ the person I am talking to, just as I would think it utterly rude
> and
> >provoking if someone were to present themselves to me in a ski mask under
> >the pretence that this was what Œthey liked to wear¹ and who refused to
> >expose themselves facially, I find it insulting and suspicious that a
> >person
> >would cover their face when talking to me. Would this argument be the
> same
> >if Muslim men were covering their faces and walking the streets in
> >England??? A hundred years of progress for women's rights is being undone
> >behind a barrier of Œcorrectness¹ - Straw is right in my opinion to raise
> >the issue and those who say we should wear what we want to wear...how
> >naïve!
> >Over centuries we have established protocols that are rooted in common
> >sense, they have evolved to where we are now and yet at a stroke we are
> on
> >the verge of stepping back a 1,000 years. And they say that those who
> >forget
> >their past are condemned to repeat it...there may be a lot wrong with
> >contemporary society, but we have achieved much and may it continue to
> move
> >forward and not back.
> >
> >Dave
> >Leeds
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