[kj] Jaz Straw
flight Bringer
flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk
Thu Oct 12 16:20:50 EDT 2006
I think that you misunderstood me Jim .
Maybe my explanation was nt comprehensive enough , so I shall give you a
more detailed one:
"Jewish Christians" today are persons who are ethnically Jewish but who have
become part of a "mainstream" Christian group which is not predominantly
based on an appeal to Jewish ethnicity or the Law of Moses. This term is
used as a contrast to Messianic Jews, a majority of whom are ethnic Jews who
have converted to a religion in which Christian belief (often of a very
evangelical nature) is generally engrafted onto Jewish ritual which would,
to outsiders at least, typically resemble Judaism more than Christianity.
A well known Hebrew Christian is the theologian Arnold Fruchtenbaum, the
founder of Ariel Ministries. He is not generally known as a Messianic Jew
but is not unhappy about being labelled as one either.
Many Jewish leaders regard this movement, represented if not typified by
groups such as "Jews for Jesus", as more of a threat to Judaism than the one
posed by efforts to convert Jews to a more mainstream Christianity, which
have been ongoing for centuries; "Messianic Judaism" is largely a phenomenon
of the latter part of the 20th century. Others disagree and feel that
cultural assimilation rather than any form of conversion is the greatest
enemy now facing Judaism.There are important similarities and differences
between "Jewish Christians" (or "Hebrew Christians") and "Messianic Jews".
Jewish Christians identify themselves primarily as Christians. They are
(mostly) members of Protestant and Catholic congregations, (usually) are not
so strict about observing Kashrut (Jewish dietary laws) or the Sabbath, and
are (generally) assimilated culturally into the Christian mainstream .
>From: Jim Harper <jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk>
>Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the
>band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
>To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
><gathering at misera.net>
>Subject: Re: [kj] Jaz Straw
>Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 21:08:38 +0100 (BST)
>So it's possible to follow two fundamentally different religions?
> You're such a twat. This whole monumental stupidity act is indeed
>primarily an act, but what kind of idiot do you have to be to think that
>permanently portraying yourself as mentally sub-normal is funny? Amazing.
>flight Bringer <flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> ******Christian Jews are a small sect of who consider themselves to be
>Christians . They are mainly Jews who have converted to Christianity and
>they are seen as a threat to the Jewish Religion .
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