[kj] OT: Few lunatic questions - 1988

William Lash wjlash at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 12 18:46:34 EDT 2006

Thanks for the warm welcome!
  Yes, the execution was terrible.  Wasn't OTG just Jaz?

fatpotanga <fatpotanga at gmail.com> wrote:
  Welcome Bill!

Obsession & Unto The Ends are my faves of OTG.
Lyrically, it's a great album on the whole.
{thinks Stay One Jump, America...]
OK, I take that back, but there are some good tracks on there.
Execution is naff naf naffety naff.
It'll never happen, but a re-record of some would be interesting

On 12/9/06 22:32, "Jpwhkj at aol.com" wrote:

> There are others that have their moments, but Tiahuanaco is certainly the
> best.
> Welcome aboard, by the way.
> Jamie


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