[kj] Hossanas

Papa Lazarou circuit_bender at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 13 19:49:16 EDT 2006

Please, someone give the masters to Alex P!
  If they're any good? :(

Christof hamille <wessidetempest at hotmail.com> wrote:
  I guess the thing I just can't figure out is how it fell short. I listen 
to it all the time. And I am still thrilled with Geordies playing. Much 
more forward thinking than older stuff. And the bass (when I can make it 
out) seems top notch. The only thing I can reckon is that they recorded it 
like a demo (one guitar track, minimal overdubs, etc.) and it sounds like it 
and ...doesn't lift you up. It just stays on a flat plain. And then it 
starts to grate on you and you start to notice how long the songs are etc 


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