[kj] OT: "Punk's Not Dead" documentary

Brian Whitehead bawhitehead at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 10:05:17 EDT 2007

Now by no stretch of the imagination am I violent man but if I'm not
mistaken 3/4 of the way through that trailer is the biggest wa&$er of a
music journalist that ever existed, a man I would love to smack squarely in
the mouth. He's wearing a grey Hell's Kitchen T-shirt.

This is Alan Parker, a man who set himself up as the font of all knowledge
regarding punk, and a man who claimed to be at 90% of all the punk gigs in
North West England in the late 70s early 80s. In fact he was working in
a local main stream record store in the mid 80s listening to Yes etc and
didn't know his Pretty Vacant from his Alternative Ulster. He was borrowing
Pistols records from some of my mates in the mid 80s and leeching info of
the early gigs from us. I know for a fact that he wasn't at any of the gigs
he claimed to be at. Phony.

Read this...

I'm at the Punk weekend in Blackpool this weekend and if he shows his face
any where near me I'm going to throw my pint over him...well half

Sorry about but that but I hate this man with a passion, and I really needed
to get that off my chest.


On 09/08/07, Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net> wrote:


> oy! It's another one of these..... what say you?



> http://vassifer.blogs.com/alexinnyc/2007/08/oh-yes-it-is.html


> Alex in NYC

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