[kj] hes still a punk ;-)

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 9 18:41:16 EDT 2007

Well, for a start, Lydon would never agree with your characterization
of his role in the `Pistols. I don't believe there WAS a particular
audience in any particularly great numbers the band was designed to
'cater' to.

To Lydon's credit, most other musicians by and large ARE worthy of
contempt, as far as I'm concerned. Then again, half of my musical
heroes are artists Lydon would probably spit at.

Alex in NYC

On Aug 9, 2007, at 6:27 PM, Brendan wrote:

> Can someone explain to me Lydon's rationale for his massive negativity

> about other musicians (except Kate Bush), when the Sex Pistols were

> originally put together to cater to a particular audience and he was

> selected because of his image?


> Is that stuff true? Is it the case that despite the origins of the

> band he

> took it in his own direction and used that beginning to do what he

> wanted

> and spread his own message and, and, and ...?


> I dunno the history behind this stuff, I grew up listeing to Lionel

> Ritchie FM and Phil Collins FM, if you get my picture, courtesy of my

> folks. Kenny Rogers, John Denver, Simon and FuckKnuckle etc.


>> Cheers for passing that on, Melinda....


>> Listening to the show's host insist that Bush was "elected twice," as

>> if that proves anything other than the fact that the American Public

>> as a whole are anything other than morons is somewhat profoundly

>> depressing.


>> I have to confess -- I never tire of Lydon.


>> Alex in NYC




>> On Aug 9, 2007, at 4:29 PM, melinda grant wrote:



>>> interesting

>>> alex...........................................................look


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