[kj] My Facebook

Brendan bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Tue Aug 14 19:16:18 EDT 2007

No I fell in love with a german lass, I'm not trying to make out like
german is the language of love. That's wookie.

French is cool, for chicks, but makes guys sound a bit effeminite *ducks*

> I thought one learned French to get laid.... :O



> Well, maybe if you hang out with folks into industrial music (and

> there's def. that element among KJ's fans) it's better to learn German

> to get laid, than French. German's never sounded like a sexy language to

> me. But then again, there are a lot of uniform fetishists into

> industrial music, and methinks they probably tend to find German hotter

> than French or Italian or something.


> Germany has cranked out some great writers and philosophers. Let's not

> forget Karl Marx. ;)


> -Oliver




> Brendan wrote:


>> One of the reasons I wanted to learn german (which is terrible now after

>> years of disuse) is to read Neitzsche, Goethe, and the other german

>> philosophers and authors who wrote in german, in their native tongue.

>> Another was to get laid, but that was back in the day and didn't

>> work....well not immediately and not on the intended target.






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