[kj] Quiet? How long here & why

Brendan bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Thu Aug 16 21:58:57 EDT 2007

Sounds like I missed an interesting argument. I detect a strong theme of
people doing likewise and holding their tongue or mitigating their

While in real life I am learning the knack of that (and Mel would point
out that I'm a Libran so it does also come naturally), I think that,
especially in respect to an outspoken band like Killing Joke, it's more
interesting to say what you feel. I'm not particularly into arguing,
people have dissed my choice in music but I can take that on the chin, not
worth commenting back, the only thing that's really gotten my goat are the
patently stupid pro-war comments, the denial of truth and the way that
people cling on to dogma by warping or erroneously discrediting any
information coming in that doesn't fit into the particular reality tunnel
(or reality cul de sac)

"And even if, it's isn't mine to say............I'll say it ANY-WAY"


> Think I joined in '01, or perhaps '02. Was very excited when I found The

> Gathering, but

> the fact that I'd been online at home since 98 makes me wonder how

> it took me so long to find it. My first big argument was with Jester (with

> Raven urging us on from the sidelines) about "nuking afghanistan". Learned

> my lesson after that, and have tried to restrict chat to music only

> ever since...


> Brendan <bq at soundgardener.co.nz> wrote: So far:


> Brendan 1 (quality not quantity folks)

> Bongo 8

> Antoni 9

> Melinda 4

> Alex 8

> Javier 10

> Mik 10


> Total 50 (so far)


> Congrats *pat pat* No wonder there's more going on than on Farcebook

> etc...


> Come on lurkers...




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