[kj] Killing joke and Communism

Frank Frik frankfrik at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 21 17:08:21 EDT 2007

brendan, are you talking here to me or to Mister Black. I am German, no offence taken.

Brendan <bq at soundgardener.co.nz> wrote: Do you have some mad hatter's hat with words cut out from a Czech
newspaper that you get your blindfolded pet monkey to reach into randomly
and hand to you half-chewed, and then type into emails one handed with a
mallet while on an amphetamine binge...by any chance? Cos that's the
effect I'm getting...no offence ;p

> And perhaps British labour goverment wouldn't be offended...lnew labour

> from communists is not that far....swastica defended/and do the

> ''conservationist democrat centrist right wing. partys''.


> Mister Black wrote: image designed to shock and

> offend (witness Alex Cox's revisionist switching of the swastika to the

> soviet hammer-n'-sickle symbol on Sid Vicious' red t-shirt in the

> slavishly overrated "Sid & Nancy.")"


> :) Why did the editor do that? Maybe it was to offend all the original

> punks who went to see the movie . Would that be classed as ironic? Left

> wing punks being offended because they took Sids Swastika off and

> replaced it with a Hammer and Sickle !!!!!!!!!. Makes me chuckle

> thinking about it . Is that the ultimate offensive statement , the only

> person in the whole world who wouldnt be offended by that is Greg







> =======================================Message Received: Aug 21 2007,

> 06:48 PM

> From: "Alexander Smith"

> To: ssssssssss at fsmail.net, "A list about all things Killing Joke (the

> band!)"

> Cc:

> Subject: Re: [kj] Killing joke and Communism




> I have to say, I've always been somewhat baffled by the hammer-n'-sickle

> iconography as well. My guess is that it's merely an appropriation of an

> image designed to shock and offend (witness Alex Cox's revisionist

> switching of the swastika to the soviet hammer-n'-sickle symbol on Sid

> Vicious' red t-shirt in the slavishly overrated "Sid & Nancy.")



> Killing Joke -- much like many of their post-punk peers -- always

> seemed to flirt with Cold War imagery, so I'm guessing it stems from

> that. I don't believe they espouse any Leninist ideals, however.



> Could be wrong, though.



> Alex in NYC




> On Aug 21, 2007, at 1:15 PM, Mister Black wrote:


> I dont recall Killing Joke ever supporting the Communist cause , they

> have on numerous occasions rejected the Capitalist school of thought

> , but theyve never actually come out if favour of Communism , so I

> cannot understand why the Hammer and Syckle featured on the cover of

> the live DVD . Have Killing Joke ever given their support to any

> Politicians or Political party ?



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