[kj] Autism vs. Asperger's Syndrome

T.B. Partyslammer at socal.rr.com
Thu Aug 23 19:51:58 EDT 2007

"Brendan" wrote:

> I'm planning on getting a heavy metals test done next time I go to my

> naturopath (who my witchy hippie friend convinced me to start seeing...she

> has been far more successful in fixing my stomach problems that the

> doc...)...and thinking about getting my amalgam fillings (2) removed when

> I go to the dentist next time. All of which is bloody expensive.

I had that done over a two year period around 2001 as almost all my fillings
were originally done in the early 70's. Not just for the metals issue, but
because my dentist could do a far better job then the cavemen that chiseled
the originals in back when Led Zeppelin's "Physical Graffiti was just

Perhaps not so coincidently, my dentist has a severely autistic boy about 14
years old.


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