[kj] ot i am going

mr y honour_the_fire at hotmail.co.uk
Tue Dec 11 18:08:52 EST 2007

If it's Del Amitri, can I go?

I realise I am a bit late.

Mr Y.

From: hollytree1961 at hotmail.comTo: gathering at misera.netDate: Fri, 7 Dec 2007 23:09:20 +0000Subject: [kj] ot i am going

i am going, to the best gig of the year in london on monday,plus i have a spare ticket also ;P so can you guess who the band are? if you want to go,it will cost you £125 quid or i may let you have it cheaper,depending on who replys :) and if no one replys on this list,no worries,i will just give the spare tix to 02--box office on sunday when i collect my ticket,plus wristband for mondays gig---yeah,we have to colect tix on sunday--to avoid huge ques--anyway,there will be hundreds who will want my spare tix,so you got until sat 10pm to let me know ok,or it goes back to box office!!! cheers melinda ps god i am so lucky,oh yes i am ;D))))))

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