[kj] Killing Joke album sales

GREG SLAWSON gregslawson at msn.com
Mon Dec 17 10:57:37 EST 2007

I heard an interview w/Jaz after Pandemonium came out, and he indicated that is sold the most since the 1st album, although my guess would be Nightime sold more than either.
BTW, got the remastered 1st album as a b-day present, and it sounds great (clearer vocals). My friend said she was thinking of getting me either that or an Interpol cd, so of course she made the right decision.

From: bq at soundgardener.co.nzTo: gathering at misera.netDate: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 20:13:59 +1300Subject: [kj] Killing Joke album sales

Anyone have any idea at all about KJ’s album sales, and which have been the more successful albums?
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