[kj] OT Jet Boy jet Girl Pepsi Ad
Jerry Butson
jerry at fleamusic.com
Tue Feb 20 06:12:41 EST 2007
There's a common misconception that, if so-and-such a song appears in a
commercial or on a compilation, it must have been approved by whoever wrote
and/or recorded it. This is not usually the case. Depending on which Fall or
Buzzcocks song it is the respective label and publisher would probably agree
a deal between them and the advertiser and not even consult the artist
unless they're a company with (a) morals and (b) a current relationship with
the artist beyond the bi-annual statement showing how much money the artist
still owes them and/or (c) a contract that says they must consult the
Which songs are we talking about here?
On 20/02/07, B. Oliver Sheppard <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Saying one thing and then doing another is sort of duplicitous (i.e.
> Mark E. Smith's interview in MRR decrying business corporations and how
> corrupt they are, then selling, of all things a song to sell SUVs -- not
> economy sized fuel efficient cars, mind you -- but bigger, ballsy road
> hog stuff Americans like to plow people off the freeway with.)
> You said: "I see it as a great scam." Buzzcocks: "Hah, we really got one
> over on those old folks who are in the AARP political lobby now since
> getting our song on that commercial" -- bring in the cash! The Pistols
> played the same game as it suited them - when they got dropped from a
> label, they (or MacLaren at least) insisted it was all a swindle, they
> were scamming one corporation after the next, so - ha to the
> establishment. Then when they were without a label it went back to being
> anti-establishment, fuck the labels, etc., they're useless.
> I like it when folks pick one or the other and sort of make it
> consistent. Having elastic or supple principles is the only way some
> folks can get by, I guess. And in any event I wonder how many beta
> blockers some of the geezers in the AARP commercial, celebrating their
> 70th birthdays, etc., would have to take if I played the Buzzcocks "Tear
> Me Up" at them. "But that's the band your organization chose to get you
> give monthly to AARP!" I'd protest. "And band's called what?"Granny
> might reply. "THE BUZZCOCKS, madame, THE BUZZCOCKS!!"
> In any event, I think it'd be a great scam for Discharge to sell "Never
> Again" to Windex. Dirty streaks on your mirrors? WOman pulls out bottle
> of Windex to spray clean it. Discharge kicks in, "Well, never, never,
> never again!" --with Windex, that is.
> So -- no YouTube link for the "Jet Boy Jet Girl" ad? :(
> -Oliver
> Leigh Newton wrote:
> > I think both those bands would have been foolish to turn down the
> offers. Any band would be foolish, unless said band is rich and doesn't have
> anything to gain. But I don't see it as selling out or anything. I see it as
> a great scam. If I were a Mark E Smith type and was asked for permission to
> use one of my old punk rock tunes in exchange for a wad of cash, i'd say
> "thanks sucker."
> >
> > Leigh
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----
> > From: B. Oliver Sheppard <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net>
> > To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <
> gathering at misera.net>
> > Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 10:28:11 PM
> > Subject: Re: [kj] OT Jet Boy jet Girl Pepsi Ad
> >
> >
> > YouTube link for this ad?
> >
> > I found the YouTube links for The Fall's "Blindness" being used for the
> > Mitsubishi Outlander SUV ad, which threw me off for a few seconds, and
> > of course the Buzzcocks' "Everybody's Happy Nowadays," used in a
> > commrcial for fucking AARP, a political lobbying orgaization for the
> > elderly in America! Both those ads re on YouTube.
> >
> > Mark E. Smith was in a recent issue of Maximum Rock & roll being all
> > anti-music business, anti-corporate, etc., then next thing I know I see
> > him selling us sport utility vehicles on TV. Fucked up.
> >
> > And the Buzzcocks -- a band who used to not get airplay back in the day
> > becaus the name was deemed "pornographic" by some (though it isn't) --
> > now promoting an old folks' political lobbying association? I need
> > another bowl of Valium.
> >
> > -Oliver
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