[kj] 1000 SUNS Outside Gate and PHANTASMAGORIA
Christof hamille
wessidetempest at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 26 18:43:05 EST 2007
I've been trying to track down a copy of Decline III for years. Allegedly
it is coming out with the boxset of all the movies. But that has been in
talk for years.
Picked up American Hardcore today. Not sure yet on that.
Afro-Punk was pretty good but, obviously, different point of view.
I am in the negotiations stages of doing a documentary and live show on
Negative Approach. Not sure if I can make the legal matters happen but I am
hoping so. And then after that I hope someone cares enough to want to watch
Fingers crossed
>From: "B. Oliver Sheppard" <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net>
>Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the
>band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
>To: Alex Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net>, "A list about all things Killing
>Joke (the band!)" <gathering at misera.net>
>Subject: Re: [kj] 1000 SUNS Outside Gate and PHANTASMAGORIA
>Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:08:47 -0600
>I liked the 1st 3 Danzig albums when I was in my late teens, but not now.
>Rollins, whose last name is also not his birth-one like Danzig's (Glenn
>Anzalone in Glenn Danzig's case; Henry Garfield -- as in Garfield the
>Cat -- in Henry Rollins' case) -- yeah, never been into bands that name
>themselves after themselves, really, especially ones that have come up
>through punk and at that time (late 80s) seemed to be trying to cash in
>their punk chips to try and "make it," as these bands seemed to to me. A
>band called COLEMAN, for ex., would bias me going into it, prejudicial
>and unfair man that I am.
>So, I personally don't like either Rollins Band or Danzig. But some
>folks on the list like Brighter Than a Thousand Suns, and think it's
>"brilliant! underrated!," etc, while I don't like those, either. We all
>have our preferences. Lots of folks hate _Hosannas_; I love it. C'est la
>And, yep, as my other post says, I own (for better or worse) a VHS copy
>of Decline 3, which is okay-ish.
>Alex in NYC wrote:
>The first three Danzig albums, incidentally, are brilliant -- no matter
>how you label them (because, ultimately, it's the MUSIC that matters,
>not the categories you're assigning to them). And by decrying Danzig for
>naming his band after himself, do you extend that same judgemental
>derision toward the Rollins Band then? If Glenn is writing everything,
>why shouldn't he name the band after himself?
>Also, Danzig's stuff (even the less inspired stuff post-4) is *STILL* a
>quadrillion light years better than the pathetic incarnations of the
>Misfits that Jerry Only attempts to foist on a gullible public today
>(yes, even the incarnation with Dez Cadena and Marky Ramone). He needs
>to hang it up.
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