[kj] The Only Poll

BS Crack BSCrack at UltimateEmail.com
Wed Jan 10 09:33:33 EST 2007

But are Ween using music as a vehicle to get beer , acid and eeerm pussy ?
Surely if they wanted "beer ,acid and pussy" , they could get all these without making music.
Do groupies still exist? At most concerts Males outnumber Females by a huge margin , and most Females are usually accompanied . The chances of getting acquainted with a female at a gig are extremely remote .

--- angrytomhanks at yahoo.com wrote:

From: Leigh Newton <angrytomhanks at yahoo.com>
To: BSCrack at UltimateEmail.com
Subject: Re: [kj] The Only Poll
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 22:15:09 -0800 (PST)

Except for Ween who are in it as much for the music as they are the beer, acid and pussy.


----- Original Message ----
From: BS Crack <BSCrack at UltimateEmail.com>
To: gathering at misera.net
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2007 7:35:39 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] The Only Poll

"Define the difference between a band that's the "real deal" and a "rawk"
***** I suppose that "rawk" bands are in it for the women, drugs , booze and Rawk & Roll lifestyle and play up to the rock n roller image i.e Kiss, Kid Rock , Motley Crue. And "real deal" bands are in it because they enjoy making music ie Killing joke, The Jam/Weller , Headcount , Oasis etc etc. Its quite easy to distinguish between the two , basically ALL American bands are pretenders and All/most English bands are the real deal .****

Killing Joke has always straddled that gray area almost since day one.
*****Although KJ always have always flirted with Rawks excesses , I believe that they ve always believed in what they did , however misconstrued it turned out to be in the end.
Kiss wore make up, Killing joke wore war paint. Thats the difference*****

I can come up with songs from any point in their career that would qualify as
perfectly fine rock tunes or even (gasp) pop tunes.
*****Its not about the music, its about the sincerity*******

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