[kj] Apocalypto , ..now where was I

Mike Cooper mike at coopersurf.fsnet.co.uk
Tue Jan 16 18:40:01 EST 2007

it's bed time for me

----- Original Message -----
From: "BS Crack" <BSCrack at UltimateEmail.com>
To: <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] Apocalypto , ..now where was I

> .....Here is where the suicide bomber comes into

> being.

> Now granted every society has it's fare

> share of psychopaths, and being a Muslim, if

> you are one, does not excuse that in a fact.


> However with thousands of years in repression

> taken into account , the Muslim communities

> are more so subject to the problem area on a

> much more-so, wide spread scale.


> Now as it is, this sexual repression must be

> curtailed ,and looked at for just what is is

> rather than denied.


> What about those prisons?


> Now , in further extension to the act of

> deeply suppressing sexual desires through the

> stages of child development into the teen

> aged years and than further reinforced through

> out adult life, that of conversing about it

> outside closed doors , and than the absolute

> taboo about the subject line in child

> rearing , asubject that is never discussed

> other than in the total negative ,(likeness to

> whore ,example)-is right where the process of

> deed suppression and deep psych disorders are

> founded and passed along from generation to

> generation.

> Psycho conditioning begins just as soon as the

> child is able to connect words into a

> statement or question.


> And at the same time what is being instilled

> within the child's conscious awareness and

> sub consciousness as well is that of the

> negative aspects and all deep psych

> consequences of the build up of

> anger-frustration -fear-hatred-loathing-

> lust,- all of which must somehow ,some where

> find a place to escape. Just as it is with

> water that finds it's way through the roof

> shingles and on to the wood than eventually

> down into the structure to cause damage.



> --- BSCrack at UltimateEmail.com wrote:


> From: "BS Crack" <BSCrack at UltimateEmail.com>

> To: <gathering at misera.net>

> Subject: Re: [kj] Apocalypto , Your attention Please.

> Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 07:10:38 -0800


> Lets then turn the page to sexual repression

> and it's effects ........

> Now back in the seventies

> Muslim woman traveling abroad were in a

> total frenzy about the need/desire to steal

> perfume and other such luxuries from stores

> and indeed to smuggle the stolen goods past

> customs.


> Now here clearly you can understand the

> outrage this aggressive insane behaviour

> caused or causes within society.

> But clearly because of sexual repression

> those poor souls just could not help it.


> Now Muslim law states stealing is a terrible

> sin and in the olden days such beings were

> stoned to death in public by people of the

> community. Clearly then these crimes were and

> are realised as sins by the

> perforators. And yet these very such people

> will think to believe the theft was

> justified , even though they know stealing,

> robbing from other people is a terrible

> crime in their religious belief.


> For crying out loud people ,is there no such

> thing as a harem-a shiekiaa that houses many

> woman?

> Why is it than that a commoner is made to

> believe that sexual repression is what makes

> for a pure life in the living?


> Now it must be clear , here that those poor

> souls are dealing with spiritual reckonings

> that cause deep psychotic social functional

> disorders that border and are psychopathic by

> proxy on the count of religious conditioning

> ,and to the extent of psycho induced

> since the very early stages of youthfulness.


> Now as it is this borderline psychopathic

> condition is passed down through the geans in

> the process of breeding.


> Here is where the suicide bomber comes into

> being...........................



> --- BSCrack at UltimateEmail.com wrote:


> From: "BS Crack" <BSCrack at UltimateEmail.com>

> To: <gathering at misera.net>

> Subject: Re: [kj] Apocalypto , today

> Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 04:08:26 -0800



> There is always a war going on in every

> country ,even when it is the country is at

> peace.

> Those terrorisers that stand on the outside of

> civil order and disrespect law by any and all

> means-the scum bags of the earth-are the war

> that never ends.


> And do understand that Muslims are not the

> exception the the rule, or have you not ever

> heard the saying there is good and bad in

> every race?


> I think what confuses people is the

> percentages, the ratio's , in other words

> there are far more terrorisers than people

> would care to know


> logic has to tell you , that when this thing

> is done-the Arab countries are going to have

> to massively fill prisons in order to

> maintain a civil order. No doubt plenty of

> prisons over there will be built as a result

> of the great round up.


> The terrorists cannot be allowed to exist

> within the populace and the populace will have

> to become square with it's religion.


> Clearly you can see that in the future Europe

> and the Americas will be looking at the very

> same issues , that being what to do with all

> those flies.


> I don't see what racism has to do with the

> building prisons on a massive scale throughout

> the Middle East-Europe and the Americas to

> remove all the scum bag psychopaths from

> social order when this thing is done.


> Lets then turn the page to sexual repression

> and it's effects ........






> --- BSCrack at UltimateEmail.com wrote:


> From: "BS Crack" <BSCrack at UltimateEmail.com>

> To: <gathering at misera.net>

> Subject: Re: [kj] Apocalypto , later

> Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 10:36:02 -0800



> Now maybe if the governments would tax them

> -their churches, Mosques however it is they

> refer to their buildings -this could help to

> exhilarate the learning process.


> Now I don't know exactly how it is over in

> the USA along this line- but I can tell you

> that in the UK we clearly cannot

> and will not have church interference with

> matters of state .


> In the past -and even at current- through

> voting numbers and mass communication -tele

> evangelism -dubbed moral majority are trying

> to swing politics their way.


> But-it cannot and will not happen.It's all

> about power and trading.

> They , the religious leaders figure that they

> will offer up large turn outs at the poles

> ,in exchange for laws that gravitate to what

> they believe according to scripture -which is

> controversial-. This is to say the bible is

> not clear about law.

> And we can not have preachers dictating what

> law will be. What is right and what is wrong

> in so far as how one conducts one's self

> according to the laws of the land.


> And we shall not have those people having say

> in how it is a University will teach ,or what

> it will teach,or science ,in so far as what is

> OK to them, or not OK.


> As it is, with what is going on with church

> influence in politics today , it is clear that

> the church should be taxed ,seriously taxed.

> Which is just what will happen if it all goes

> too far.


> Indeed,you have rounded -education threw

> differences of opinion, and rounded

> church's-the need is also the desire to live

> by what is good for all-respect other peoples

> beliefs , consider that.


> But-there are always those in life in

> civilization that stand on the outside of

> goodness that are out for themselves by any

> and all means.Very much so likeness to those

> disgusting scum bag flies,


> which is why there must be law and prisons.

> What about those flies?




> --- BSCrack at UltimateEmail.com wrote:


> From: "BS Crack" <BSCrack at UltimateEmail.com>

> To: <gathering at misera.net>

> Subject: Re: [kj] Apocalypto now

> Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 08:23:23 -0800



> If you ever learn how to think as a

> independent person-you may see that

> disgusting-is what it is

> I can clearly see why it is he and Bush get

> along so well!If he will ever get around to

> answering the big question his fans so richly

> must just know.


> Here is a saying I wrote in verbal context.

> it's for the world traveler.


> Never leave off in a place of mind to your

> experience where it is you can never freely

> happily return -free will.


> Let the people show you the good-and take it

> with you always.


> Because that's truly where the rich's are.

> Or what is good,is what is good for the

> soul.

> What is good for the soul ,is what you can

> keep forever.


> As it is, I see there are complications

> surrounding the separation of church and

> state. And so if there are no flies present,

> as flies are indeed disgusting,

> Ethiopian flies being the most disgusting-in

> my opinion-flies do not reflect my views of

> people now mind you, unless they are

> terrorist .


> As it will seen in this particular subject

> there is some difficulty in the keeping of the

> separation of church and state. Freedom of

> speech also seems to enter the arena, with

> complications there of in the keeping the

> separation between church and state, law.


> When you see your religion as law-and you

> have no point of separation between your

> religious law and law-such as seems to be the

> case with many Muslims threw out western

> civilization . This is to say ,they understand

> that there is a separation between church and

> state-but they do not seem to understand on

> the whole -just what it means.


> This is why their religious leaders of their

> churches will find their selves teaching the

> muslim communities and to the point of

> instructing them ,to this end in just how it

> means. They seem to keep recycling back to

> their beliefs and coming up with the same

> questions.


> Which is to say ,they either cannot ,or will

> not accept just what the separation of church

> and state means.





> --- BSCrack at UltimateEmail.com wrote:


> From: "BS Crack" <BSCrack at UltimateEmail.com>

> To: <gathering at misera.net>

> Subject: Re: [kj] Apocalypto

> Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 05:56:35 -0800


> Its more complex then just disliking a people because of their origin

> The problem I have with Muslims -is they

> disrupt the educational process -this is because their

> beliefs stop them from seeking truth through

> higher education. Their minds are filled with

> hate and radical Muslim ways. Their

> sickness's flow though the universities,

> a likeness to a virus-it tires students-and

> professors.


> There are those of the Christianity religion

> that still even today have difficulty dealing

> in their minds with theories of Darwin-that

> creates personal conflicts within. The

> Muslims take on a commanding view in

> rejection to science-replacing scientific

> truths with that which they believe.

> It's not what you believe.


> When I spoke to people that worked

> over seas (the middle east -oil corporation

> peoples), all of whom lived on corporate

> compounds- because of the

> disgusting-deplorable circumstances in

> Muslim arad culture-, back in the early

> seventies -it was only too worrying to think

> of how Muslim people will disrupt and terrorise

> the Universities in the UK and the Americas.



> They do not have a system of education over

> there in Islamic countries that is equal to

> standards of education in the rest of the

> World-and Muslims do not use their Western

> educations for much more than personnel

> gain-riches and statiss-wealth and position.

> but with all that in truth be known -the way

> Islamic people view it- it is different-not same

> same as in western civilization.The truth is they don't

> care how many of the lessors in the middle

> east are slaughtered by their own-because they

> see them as lessors ,thats why Islamic persons are away from all that ,

> and the

> lessers are always less than equal to any

> standards those people hold in statiss.

> And that is just what they hate about life in

> western civilization.

> That is all in part of just what is so

> difficult about those peoples culture ,and also

> why those people cannot integrate well at

> all.






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