[kj] OT Religion/universes/moon

Neil Perry neilfperry at btinternet.com
Thu Jan 18 20:39:14 EST 2007

Mel, not sure how serious you are here, but I'm bored, so:

The moon is approximately 384,000 kilometers from the earth. The speed of light is 299,800km per second. So it takes light from the moon (that's light reflected from the sun) about 1.28 seconds to reach the earth. The moon is really very close! So the moon we are looking at is actually the 'same' moon, just a second old.
Light from the sun, coming from about 400 times further away than the moon, takes approximately 8 minutes and fifteen seconds to reach the earth. So yes we are looking back in time when we look at the sun - 8 minutes. But if you are looking at a distant star many light-years away, then the light you are seeing is actually hundreds, thousands or even millions of years old - it has taken that far to reach earth (and your eyes).

If there was an equivalent earth-type planet, with a similar human species on it, at the same stage of technology/development as us, and it was many light years away, and we had a telescope that could see that far - then what we would actually see would be, for example, that planet's Roman empire, or ancient Egypt, as the light takes so long to reach us, even though they are actually in 2007 just like us.

Told you I was bored.
Time for bed..

melinda grant <hollytree1961 at hotmail.com> wrote: LOL BONGO ;-D I should of exsplained it properly,

well the moon that we all view when we look up to the sky,is a moon from the
distant past,because we are looking back in time when we look out into the
sky at the moon-- stars,and apparently not forward.....so in actual fact,the
moon isnt there in our time,but only in past past!!!!

i read this from some astronomy mag....its also the reason that i have never
believed that man/woman have never been to the moon....all thats a lie they
tried to sell to us all---the whole thing was staged ;-0

so i guess that all the other planets in our solar system are back in time
also,plus some of the other universes----has as a guess,that some our
forward in time obviously as well,but well,they are far away,down some worm
hole and black hole on the left some where ;-D)))


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