[kj] Vinyl mastering?

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jul 12 21:10:29 EDT 2007

I fucking can't stand Interpol.

One band that really caught my ear early on was She Wants Revenge. Their
full length LP was floating around on Soulseek and other filesharing
networks for at least a half year before it was properly released.
Whilst it was "underground" like this, it seemed phenomenal -- like Joy
Division one song, Sisters of Mercy the next, Bauhaus in another. Who
are these guys? I wondered.

Finally, six months later, the LP was "properly" released; it was on
store shelves at TARGET, and the cover was a horrible American
Apparel-type picture of some random girl in her undies, like a mediocre
MySpace photo. That cover ruined the album. Musically, I still say that
was a damn fine album, in spite of the horrible album art, much more Joy
Divison-y to me than Interpol, and actually pretty good. In other words,
strip away everything exterior to the music itself, and it's a good release.




> I think losing anything by Tones of Tail is a /good/ thing.


> ANd BTW, does anyone else think that Inter-hole are overrated? I saw

> them on US TV this week and they didn't do much for me...they played

> kind of sloppy like Joy Division did on that black-covered album, but

> didn't have that edge or honesty...


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