[kj] OT: Alexinnyc's job
Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 25 17:06:25 EDT 2007
Back from the Fox's den....
Just got back a little while ago. Honestly, it was quite surreal. To
be fair, the three gents I spoke with were all perfectly nice,
friendly dudes. They're really late to the table in bringing their
online platform up to speed. The position they were vaguely detailing
would be a somewhat similar role to what I was doing at MTVNews,
although in a much more intense capacity (a lot more aggressive story
turnover). They're fully aware of the stigma of their organization --
and kinda don't give a damn. No one disclosed their own personal
politics, but they basically asserted that they're serving their
demographic (i.e. redneck xenophobes in middle America) as best they
can, and are unapologetic in their design to "be number one!"
I think it's a job I certainly *could* do, although the pace,
intensity and sheer volume of work involved isn't really that
appealing -- to say nothing of the bias and subject matter. When full
tilt breaking news happens, I'm sure the place is a supernova of
bullshit. Being that the sensibility of the organization is so
fundamentally at odds with my own, I think I might have a very hard
time summoning the enthusiasm crucial to making it all work. And it's
basically a 24-7 gig. Not sure I'm up for that.
That said, I'm happy that they liked what they saw on my resume
enough to want to contact me. With no other immediate options in the
offing, I'm certainly going to follow up with them, but I can't
fathom the notion of actually working there.
Rolling Stone, meanwhile -- as far as credible music journalism goes
-- is a flimsy shadow of what it used to be, and what it used to be
wasn't all that great to begin with. That said, here in the `States,
they are still at the head of the class. I could be completely wrong
(and certainly have been before), but I think it'd be a good fit for
me (certainly better than MTV). Are there better music publications?
HELLS YES, but they wouldn't be able to pay me what I need to survive/
feed my family these days.
Anyway, that's the scoop for now. OFF TO GET DRUNK WITH A FELLOW
Alex in NYC
On Jul 25, 2007, at 4:21 PM, Brendan wrote:
> Are Rolling Stone actually any good mate, I don't read the music
> rags much
> but I've heard mumbles about them...who owns them? I remember their
> top
> 100 guitarists of all time list, always a contentious issue.
> PS: I'm now working for a multinational bank, this from the guy who
> sent
> around the hippie emails about banking houses and corporations...so
> don't
> feel like you're letting the team down by going to the dark side. In
> fact...welcome! I've prepared a skull-cup and some succcubi for you ;p
>> I'm sure an interesting anecdote will result from it, at the very
>> least.
>> I go talk to them today. But why can't, say, Rolling Stone get back
>> to me? Why can't New York magazine be the one that calls? Why does it
>> have to be the evil empire?
>> Ah well - I'll go hear what they have to say.
>> Cheers, folks.
>> Joblex in NYC
>> On Jul 25, 2007, at 3:48 AM, Brendan Quinn wrote:
>>> The Fox is hounding you...
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-
>>> bounces at misera.net] On
>>> Behalf Of Alexander Smith
>>> Sent: Wednesday, 25 July 2007 2:46 a.m.
>>> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
>>> Subject: Re: [kj] OT: Alexinnyc's job
>>> This just in....
>>> No sooner had I mentioned to Oliver that Fox never got in touch with
>>> me....I got a call from Fox News Online. I have an interview with
>>> them tomorrow.
>>> At the very least, it'll be interesting to see what the inside of
>>> the
>>> Death Star looks like.
>>> Full report to follow.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jobless in NYC
>>> On Jul 24, 2007, at 10:40 AM, uncle benny's magical bra & liquorice
>>> factory wrote:
>>>> On 24/7/07 15:39, "Phillipps Marc" wrote:
>>>>>> Need a job?
>>>>> How much are you offering?
>>>> Everything & as much cake as you can eat
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