[kj] ChangeTin, change

Mister Black mrblack_000 at fsmail.net
Thu Jul 26 02:52:05 EDT 2007

Tinsoldier :
You need to change before its too late , you are currently in an intellectual cul-de sac , you need to get on the intellectual super highway , no more believing in falsehoods or things that have little resemblance to the truth . You must stop following and start thinking , otherwise to will grow up and end up on the intellectual bottom rung, and once you're there , you wont be able to progress , you will end up like all the other people in the intellectual cul-de -sec , making such ignorant statements as this
" Arab leaders no longer wear traditional Arab clothes like Arafat used to do with his Western military uniform"!!!
"Lots of Countries have various WMD's although I cant name either the county or what they have "!!!
"Pol Pot had connections with America , thats why he committed mass genocide!"!!!
"Foreign leaders had to stop wearing turbans because America said so"!!!!
" I dont read his posts......but thanks for telling me that hes stupid"!!!
That will be your destiny Tinsoldier, unless you have a major change of direction , seek the truth and stop believing in falsehoods like Killing joke , the Killing joke manifesto is a hoax , Killing joke are also in that intellectual cul-de-sac , their philosophy cannot progress any further because they didnt get on the intellectual super highway.
This is my advice to you Tin , although I'm sure that you wont take it and you'll end up spending your life in ignorance .
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