[kj] OT: Attn Skinny Puppy Fans

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 7 22:09:31 EDT 2007

Hey everyone. I got to see Skinny Puppy a couple of nights ago in Toronto and it was an AMAZING show. Even better than the show I caught on their 2004 tour. The setlist was incredibly varied and quite unpredictable. They didn't even play Testure, Smothered Hope, Tin Omen or Harsh Stone White. I won't spoil it for anyone who might be seeing them in the near future and say what they DID play. I'll just say that, if you are a big fan, I can't see how you could be disappointed. A couple songs I know have never been played before and others haven't seen the light of day in years. Lots of new stuff as well, which sounded incredible. One of the LOUDEST shows I've ever seen. They were in fine form and still have the fire burning strongly. Great effects and backing films as well. Do a search on their tourdates and catch them if you can. Your life will thank you for doing so. Cheers!


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