[kj] Pig Ignorance

Darth E. Vader crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jun 13 11:09:06 EDT 2007


Fourteen campaigners against the Oxford Animal lab,
charged with various public order offences, walked
free on May 30th after revelations of a police
stitch-up. During the trial, a transcript of a
dictaphone tape recorded by the cop's Tactical Advisor
on the day was presented as evidence by the defence.
The hour-long tape conclusively shows that Thames
Valley Police are conspiring with Oxford University to
smash the campaign (OK, hardly a surprise but to hear
it from the horse's mouth...!)

The charges related to a legal demo against the Oxford
University arcane Encaenia ceremony last year. Those
arrested, including campaign spokesman Mel Broughton,
were barred from the city centre for an entire year.
Five were arrested on the day and a further eleven in
raids on their homes. The four week trial has
highlighted a deliberate and sinister policy by Thames
Valley Police (TVP), code-named 'Operation Rumble' to
intimidate and harass legal campaigners who support
the main anti-Oxford Primate Lab group SPEAK. It has
also exposed the close relationship between TVP and
Oxford University.

The tape was recorded after ham-fisted PC Travi
accidentally left his dictaphone running after their
arrests. He refers to protesters as 'c*nts', comments
that "Oxford University is a sleeping giant" and says
that "protesters do not realise just how powerful the
university is". Officers are clearly in awe of the
academic institution saying that "it's got Masons" and
"influence with MPs and barristers". The officers also
mention that the University has friends in the DTI,
Department of Trade and Industry, as well as the Home

The officers talk about manufacturing a public order
situation by "inciting someone with a double buggy
(pram)" to claim that the pavement was blocked by
protesters - confirming that they had intended to make
arrests regardless. One says "we knew we were going to
take bodies today" and reports "...just got feedback
from the uni - they were very impressed". PC Travi is
also clearly heard saying to the Bronze commander on
the day (Inspector Sharp) "The University's got
Masons, it's got you."

Later on their return to base, the Silver Commander
Shead says of those arrested "We're going to prosecute
the sh*t out of them." (Just like Inspector Morse,

The transcripts also clearly reveal that Thames Valley
police have played an active part in trying to create
the conditions in which a draconian High Court
injunction (see SchNEWS 581) could be implemented
against SPEAK. They talk about "waging a dirty war"
against Mel Broughton, the main spokesman of the SPEAK
campaign, and the "need to persecute him".

With these revelations the judge at Bicester
magistrates acquitted all the defendants, except two
who were given absolute discharges. She refused to
accept that the officers comments had been just
'banter'- the proffered excuse. One senior police
officer under cross examination even attempted to
excuse the behaviour by putting it down to one officer
having come from Liverpool and another's because he
was an "ex-squaddie".

Outside court, Mel Broughton said: "I am extremely
angry and disturbed about what has been revealed...I
think anyone in the country who believes you have a
right to protest and a right to free speech should be
very, very concerned."

For more on the SPEAK campaign www.speakcampaigns.org

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