[kj] Pete Townshend, musical scholar and taxonomist: "The Police are punk rock"

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 27 16:38:50 EDT 2007

As I told Oliver on MySpace, to be fair, the Police initially aspired
to be a Punk band, but would be the first to admit that they were
never legitimate in that capacity. Still, "Fall Out," "Nothing
Achieving" and "Dead End Job" do a reasonable approximation of `77-
era buzzsaw angst.

By the same token, when I hear the term "classic rock," I'm more
inclined to think of bands like Traffic and Cream and Derek & the
Dominoes and the Allman Brothers and largely yawnsome crap like that
(although I actually like a bit of Traffic).

Whatever. Much like, say, their old pals in XTC, by the end of their
span, the Police had largely excised anything that was especially
punky about themselves. Still, they never made a bad album, as far as
I'm concerned -- Sting's utter prickishness notwithstanding.

Alex in NYC

On Mar 27, 2007, at 4:29 PM, ade wrote:

> FFS, Townshend has a major 4kin ego. Give me Zeppelin over Who ANY

> DAY.


> I *like* The police. I always saw them as being of the same cannon as

> Blondie, et al.


> As for Sting - let's just refer to him as Stink.


> -----Original Message-----

> From: gathering-bounces at misera.net

> [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of B. Oliver Sheppard

> Sent: 27 March 2007 02:53

> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)

> Subject: [kj] Pete Townshend, musical scholar and taxonomist: "The

> Police are punk rock"



> [Maybe there are some very primitive mega-early demos

> where the Police sound vaguely, vaguely punk, but come

> on. I say: HAHAHAHA. Sting being in a punk mvoie or

> two doesn't count. -B.]



> http://www.nme.com/news/the-police/27287


> During an interview on New York radio station WAXQ-FM,

> Townshend said, "They're now calling The Police

> 'classic rock.' I don't think so. The Police are punk.

> They're a punk band. They're not classic rock."


> Townshend added: "You know, you've got the (Rolling)

> Stones and The Who. Classic rock - finished. It's all

> over after that...this is just music. It's not classic anything."


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