[kj] My turn in Heaven (almost there)

Brian Whitehead bawhitehead at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 07:04:19 EDT 2007

Fantastic, congratulations.
As a father of a 3 year old girl I know what you mean with, "those
beautiful feelings that only daughters can inject to the father"

Great post.


On 28/03/07, Javier Garcia <jagargal at lycos.com> wrote:


> Ok, i consider it's my turn to share some good news.


> Most of you must remember i lost my beloved little girl (Jimena) on

> may/06. After those absolutely devastating moments my wife and i went back

> to the surface after a couple of weeks and started our new life like a

> couple. After some months Tania (my wife) wanted to get pregnant, but i

> wasn't really into it. She insisted and I finally joined her plan. She got

> pregnant, but the big surprise was when, after a couple of months, during

> the first sonogram, the doctor told us there were 2 babys in their way! I

> have to be honest, before that i was still hiding a lot of anger against

> life and the so-called god (i'm not religious, but when you are in these

> sad-desperate situations you tend to think in god, whoever this entity would

> be). The fact that there were two babys was really overwhelming! Perhaps

> it's just chance, but the thought of life (or god) compensating my wife and

> i was inevitable. In any case it's a very opportune chance!


> A couple of months ago we knew they were two girls... awesome! i already

> have a 12 y.o. son (that doesn't lives with me, but i see very often) and

> i really missed those beautiful feelings that only daughters can inject to

> the father; so the idea of having two girls is just perfect for me!...


> Tania will give birth in about 2 months, and we just choose the names last

> week: Greta and Ana... we still don't know which one will be one or other, i

> guess we have the see their faces first. It's a very nice feeling.


> Just wanted you to know


> Javier

> mexico city



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