[kj] Strange events
Brian Whitehead
bawhitehead at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 02:43:35 EST 2007
Quite a few years ago when looking for a house we looked at one in Prestwich
north Manchester.
The guy who owned the house was a youngish guy and when I saw his CD
collection we got talking about music. Any way he eventually informed me
that Mr E Smith lived a couple of doors down.
Had visions of him coming round to borrow a cup of sugar and ending
up re-positioning all my furniture and adjusting the brightness/contrast
setting on the TV.
Didn't buy the house, the bathroom was just not my shade of green.
On 07/11/2007, Change <crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> --- cliffmonka at alaska.net wrote:
> > Curious what the amp settings were changed too,maybe
> > he was fixing it for ya,haha.
> > No doubt he's playing tricks whatta joker,
> Just better hope Mark E Smith doesn't leave anything
> at the rehearsal space or all hell will break loose
> when he dies!
> http://www.augustineleudar.110mb.com/Interzone.htm
> RTX, Kristin Hersh, Githead, Shellac, Michael Gira & the Dirty Three
> interviewed here:
> http://www.perfectsoundforever.com
> Polysics interviewed here:
> http://www.cultcargo.net
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