[kj] OT : Red Beat (again)

pssyche23 antoni at clara.net
Sun Nov 11 18:58:40 EST 2007

Hello folks,

Not the first time that I've mentioned them over the years but in case anyone out there is interested (and was either unsubscribed or not part of this mailing list at the time of earlier postings) the excellent Red Beat, of early Malicious Damage Records fame, brought out a CD in 2004 containing their MD4.40 12" single, their John Peel session, plus the Survival 7" and Dream 12" singles (which came out on Manic Machine Records) - they have a page up on Myspace where both the excellent "Red Beat" track and See can be heard - http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=149196481 . Well worth investing in "The Missing Album" if you haven't already - cheers.

Regards, Antoni

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