[kj] Extremities Special Edition
Christof hamille
wessidetempest at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 26 09:38:26 EST 2007
All I know it is the Two disc boxset. And my records did not have the booklet. Pity Even paid more for the color vinyl.
From: circusbar at uol.com.br
To: joker at Z6.com; gathering at misera.net
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 11:27:44 -0200
Subject: [kj] Extremities Special Edition
Dear Gatherers,
I´m ordering the Extremities Special
but i´m having a little problem trying to know
which version is the one with the 40 page booklet
can someone please confirm if the bar code of
this version is 803341228559
Many thanks
Gustavo Diaz
3324-2351 / 3013-5164
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