[kj] . . Clutch/Homies

Flight Bringer flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk
Thu Oct 4 09:43:05 EDT 2007

You are moving the goal posts again Oliver , we were talking about why the rescuers didnt go in earlier to New Orleans and suddenly you bring the military into it . I dont feel that a military invasion of New Orleans would have been beneficiary to anyone , also a military manoeveur of that magnitude would have taken time to organise . Oliver, you watch far too many Hollywood movies , your realms of reality have been distorted . The soldiers would have needed boats, accommodation, food , water, equipment ,etc etc and considering the gung ho mentality of the US armed forces , an invasion of New Orleans would not have been beneficiary.
The water being too high and armed locals on the rampage are valid reasons for rescuers not going in , buses dont work under water , they would have gotten stranded and the rescuers would have then needed rescuing . You also cant send rescuers into an unsafe environment , there were gunman shooting at anyone in authority and there was also the risk of water born diseases .
You do seem somewhat detached from reality Oliver , would you have liked to have seen a dream team of Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis and Tom Cruise make an instant rescue? Maybe Superman could have held the water back ? maybe Jesus could have came and turned the water into wine? Why couldn't George Bush have walked across the water and feed the 5000 in the gym hall?

> Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 05:25:01 -0500> From: bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net> To: gathering at misera.net> Subject: Re: [kj] . . Clutch/Homies> > Okay -- so in FlightBringer-Lorld, the most powerful military agency in > the world was prevented from going into New Orleans because some blacks > or other yokels were fending them off with shotguns, and the water was > also too high? HAHAHA.> > Have you seen the sorts of levees and protections that world class > cities in places like Denmark have? They're well fortified, and those > counries haven't half the wealth or military might the US has. But some > good ol' boys down south kept rescuers at bay, huh? Was it like the > movie Deliverance or Southern Comfort or something? Do you get your > current events from the Rush Limbaugh cartoon guide to current events...?> > The USS Bataan and other Navy ships were following Katrina in the Gulf > of Mexico. A hurricane is not like a stealthy ninja that pops up out of > nowhere and thwacks you on the head, unsuspectingly. They appear, form, > and approach, for weeks. Michael D. Brown, a Bush appointee who was > Director of FEMA, resigned in September, 2005, a few weeks after the > disaster, following outcry over his handling of Hurricane Katrina. He > was a personal friend of Bush's whose job before being Director of FEMA > was being a trial judge for Arabian racing horses. His firnedly > connection got him appointed. (This is what they mean when they say > Bush's govt. is stacked with cronies.)> > -Oliver> > > > > Flight Bringer wrote:> >> > > > !!!!!!!!!!Greg, the reason why the Government didnt go into New > > Orleans earlier was because it was flooded , they couldnt go on until > > the water had subsided , the local population were also firing guns> > guns, rendering it unsafe . Coach drivers cannot drive on water. If > > the Government could have acted sooner ..> > _______________________________________________> Gathering mailing list> Gathering at misera.net> http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering

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