[kj] FW: sports-scousers

jon chapman jonniespatula at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Oct 5 13:42:45 EDT 2007

some people do take sports too far i suppose.i will not buy anything from merseyside (AT ALL).because i hate liverpool and everton with more of a passion than my love for killing joke.

bunch of girls

From: flightbringer at hotmail.co.ukTo: gathering at misera.netDate: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 17:27:48 +0100Subject: Re: [kj] Celtic fan vs Dida attack

"That all said, you're bound to meet more dim, violent shitheads at a sports gathering than anywhere else." Oh Alex, how could you so obtuse , its the same crowd that attend gigs and sporting events . There isnt a separate music crowd and a separate sports crowd, they are entwined . Speaking of violence , if anyone is aware of an Arsenal supporter called Denton , he unfortunately died last night > From: vassifer at earthlink.net> Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 12:04:57 -0400> To: gathering at misera.net> Subject: Re: [kj] Celtic fan vs Dida attack> > Not sure how obesity figures into this. One can be fit, healthy, > active and -- yes -- athletic without being a thick-skulled sports > denizen.> > What my children end up taking an interest in is their own business. > I cannot control where their interests will take them.> > And yes, there is idiocy in every realm of human culture -- be it > music or sports or whathaveyou. That all said, you're bound to meet > more dim, violent shitheads at a sports gathering than anywhere else.> > Alex in NYC> > > > On Oct 5, 2007, at 12:04 PM, iPat wrote:> > > we've discussed violence at gigs b4. Maybe you forget?> > i recall the punks getting it at stonehenge, violence at gigs from> > sham, ramones, siouxsie, clash, stranglers, sex gang children, meteors> > etc> > now would you rather your child did a sport which kept it healthy or> > join the growing legion of obese children?> >> > On 10/5/07, Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net> wrote:> >>> >> Maybe I'm mistaken, but I don't recall anyone getting "nearly > >> castrated" for> >> wearing an Exploited t-shirt at a Ozric Tentacles show or anything > >> like> >> that.> >>> >> Alex in NYC> > _______________________________________________> > Gathering mailing list> > Gathering at misera.net> > http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering> > _______________________________________________> Gathering mailing list> Gathering at misera.net> http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering

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