[kj] New October File vid, from upcoming LP - on second thought, don't it sound like Quicksand?

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Tue Oct 9 09:51:43 EDT 2007

Now I'm revisiting Quicksand ... Damn, they were good, weren't they? But
why no success? Why?

Did you like their song "Dine Alone"? It was not just a good song, but
had good, even audible (!) lyrics:


Damn that's just good stuff. If October File want to sound like that,
but with Jaz on vox, I'd be happy... It'd beat most stuff out there.


Phillipps Marc wrote:

> I loved Quicksand . . and also Rival Schools (who they became)



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