[kj] OT: Jane's WAS: New October File vid

T.B. Partyslammer at socal.rr.com
Tue Oct 9 21:13:42 EDT 2007

"Alexander Smith" wrote:

> As far as I'm concerned, there are really TWO Aerosmiths -- the band

> of the `70's, who were tirelessly obnoxious, drunken, druggy cut-

> throats who wrote great tunes like "Back In The Saddle," "Mama Kin"

> and "Toys in the Attic" -- and then there was the newly clean 'n'

> sober Aerosmith circa PERMANENT VACATION and beyond, who wrote hi-

> gloss sports bar jukebox fare and mawkish ballads for big budget

> Hollywood films. Suffice to say, the awfulness of the latter almost

> negates the greatness of the former.


> Alex in NYC

Heh, well put.


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