[kj] off topic - FR. PERDURABO

Blazingstar418 blazingstar418 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 18 01:04:20 EDT 2007

" Hubbard and. RAW don't belong in the same sentence! "

Au Contraire!
Both were followers of Crowley's philosophy of Thelema.

Hubbard was even a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis for awhile.

Google "Hubbard + O.T.O." for a laugh.

Don't forget to read between the "Black Magick" bullshit lines. ;)


Brendan <bq at soundgardener.co.nz> wrote: Hubbard and. RAW don't belong in the same sentence! (He said, making sure
he didn't do it himself...)

In the light they were victorious, lol.


How was he related to President chimp?

Did you read the linked article...? Few emails back, don't have it at work
at the mo sorry...


> He hung out with Hubbard and Anton-Wilson...?


> In the light they were victorious, lol.


> How was he related to President chimp?

> ________________________________

> From: sneakypete at uwclub.net

> To: gathering at misera.net

> Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 17:25:50 +0100

> Subject: [kj] off topic - FR. PERDURABO



> I was browsing in HMV at lunchtime and chanced upon a rather tacky looking

> semi documentary DVD


> concerning Aleister Crowley. I picked it up and read the blurb on the back

> and was amused to read that


> the documentary dealt with the theory that AC was related to ole

> Dubya





> Never heard that one before – anyone else ?




> Peter








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