[kj] R.I.P. Raven

Darren A. Peace dpeace at bigfoot.com
Mon Oct 22 09:31:22 EDT 2007

On hearing the news, all that my articulate mind could come up with was
"Fuck!". Repeatedly.

I didn't know him particularly well, but the dozen or so chats we had over
the years made him stand out as one of the friendliest, most unpretentious
and funny professional musicians I've ever met. You know how it is when you
meet members of your favourite bands; there is always the danger that they
turn out to be absolute tossers (and Jaz is certainly capable of that, given
a prevailing wind). Raven was not, and I was always happy to buy him a
drink. I'll miss him.

Just hope the bassist on the next KJ tour doesn't dress like Raven again.
That would be offensive.


Hungerford, UK

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