[kj] Sorry but...

melinda grant hollytree1961 at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 27 18:15:05 EDT 2007

hiya lenn, sorry but..i am not superwoman

well ok,i did glance only at message in inbox lasteve-only-(i dont recieve notification that i have recieved messages from my/s at hotmail btw-only knowing when i logg into my/s and then it just says--messages----i dont know who from until i go into inbox btw--so myspace was wrong there giving you incorrect info thats causing missundersdtand perhap,as i had not read it!!!)/

so, did not read it in full detail-only glanced- as did not have time to give my full attention/plus a detailed reply a.s.a.p,which usually i am first class with providing,seeing as this last week i have had to post over 30 business ems--plus other priority posts also, the other posts in myspace glanced quickly also so it is nothing personal ok just have not had the time!!

noticed that your post was/is exstremely long,requiring a long detailed response,as i have alot on my mind(which you are aware of as i posted to list--over last 3 wks btw)/and on me plate all this week and next,short of giving you a half felt reply,i would rather wait until i feel in right frame of mind to give my full attention to it-- best response ok ;) so just be patient ;) i always enjoy your posts,so dont get wrong idear,you know you ask/tell me alot..um..and alot needs long decent detailed reply from me ;)

i know this will be challenge for you,as you can be demanding without realising it on others time at times,wanting instant attention reply to instant post,but right at this time,that is impratical solution for me ;/ actually,if i post to anyone be it on myspace/facebook/yahoo/list/or hotmail,,i hope for reply,but i never try and bully or manipulate any person to reply to me,because,it is up to them you see and i think also that they have other things in their life that must take priority over a reply to my post, and that is the way with me at moment you see-and so i wait patiently until they can find the time and all is fine ;)

melinda ps i think i handled that remarkably well,applause to me pps well after my detailed reply here,i might aswell of replied to your posts on myspace(you maybe thinking...) no not really,as those posts require an altogether different type of reply-you know who/what there about,you posted them ect ect...ok very much later...........enjoy ypur weekend ok xxx

> Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 11:59:25 +0100> From: lennonka at gmail.com> To: hollytree1961 at hotmail.com> Subject: Sorry but...> > You've already read my messages : )> I know because MySpace tells me what is the status of my sent messages> by the other person.> > Nothing bad, take your time to answer.> > Hugs and Love> Lenn> > PS. Hope the doc will help you. I can not even imagine what you've> been going through. Stay tough!

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