[kj] FW: Re: joke dreams

Brendan Quinn bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Wed Sep 12 16:21:45 EDT 2007

Pfft, you don't get more attuned than an 11:11! I'm so attuned that the
other day I walked straight into double glass doors as they were opening,
did a double shoulder check on them...guess I was in a hurry or something.
And it was right in front of a guy that I'm trying to get a job out of too,

Actually my excuse is that that happened because I'm so attuned to what ELSE
is going on around me...that I don't pay attention to the mundane world. You
have to explain being in cloud cuckoo land all the time somehow...I'm awful
with ansentmindedness actually, if I'm driving and talking to a passenger I
just end up on auto-pilot, and go whatever direction I would normally go on
that street, regardless of where I am actually supposed to be going. But to
some extent, my mind is always in the clouds, so that works as my excuse...

There's a theory that every night your dreams are caused by the pineal
gland, which excretes DMT, a strong hallucinogenic, so every night you're
tripping...so mentioning LSD isn't a flippant remark at all.

-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of melinda grant
Sent: Thursday, 13 September 2007 7:54 a.m.
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] FW: Re: joke dreams

dream share is the best, ive had loads,telepathic thought is great also i
get that alot also, they carnt all be coincidences can they.....and dont
take the piss if you have not exsperienced it,some people are just more
atuned than others:)

want to join a dream,think about an event b.4 you sleep,concentrate/still
the mind----chances are that you will dream about an exstended version of
what you were thinking about,plus more..but you may not remember the first
time upon waking,so be patient,ive been doing this kinda thing all my
life,so i am used to having share dreams with all sorts of people i
know,bloody hell,i could tell you somethings and places ive been to,people
ive had conforsations with in dreams,and the best part ,is that it appears
so real(proberly because it was-- to hard to exsplain btw)----yep,so real
what i could tell you,you would proberly freakout just a little by the
accuacy of somethings i gleemed whilst asleep i kid you not;-D

you may have to try several times b.t.w or you may be lucky first time
around ;-) oh someone told me this,when you awake,dont rush up out of
bed,take it easy,and dont look out of a window if for an hour if you wish
to recall your dream/s,as apparently you dreams will fade very quicky if you

do,as dreams flow out of windows dont know if i believe that,its just more
tips to help you recall your dream!!!!

melinda ps btw no acid tab required or any other kind of drug to have shared

dream or k.j in dream,ive never had anything to induce these dreams,they
just happen as if by magick ok,so leave any drugs crap alone you dont need

>From: "Brendan Quinn" <bq at soundgardener.co.nz>

>Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the

>band!)"<gathering at misera.net>

>To: "'A list about all things Killing Joke (the

>band!)'"<gathering at misera.net>

>Subject: Re: [kj] FW: Re: joke dreams

>Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:45:31 +1200


>Actually perhaps it's working. Now if I could just get some sleep I might


>able to join youze...can't guarantee that I won't be a leprechaun or


>or something though...


>-----Original Message-----

>From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On

>Behalf Of melinda grant

>Sent: Wednesday, 12 September 2007 2:06 a.m.

>To: gathering at misera.net

>Subject: [kj] FW: Re: joke dreams



> >

> >--- Marcel <spooman at freenet.de> wrote:

> >

> marcel wrote.......



> > > " The second time was great,

> > > lol - it took place in a primitive but vast country

> > > house with lot's of additional exotic intruments,

> > > fires, drumming and dancing on a warm night - the

> > > only one that was really well-attended. - Jaz hugged every single

> > > one present HAHA."

> > >

> > > cheers, Marcel



>sounds like you were gatecrashing my dreams of k.j last week there

>;D))--almost identical to my dreams last week is your post,although a few

>features are missening in your dream,that were in mine,confussed!!!! ;)

> > >

> >

> >


> >http://www.augustineleudar.110mb.com/Interzone.htm

> >

> >RTX, Kristin Hersh, Githead, Shellac, Michael Gira & the Dirty Three

> >interviewed here:

> >http://www.perfectsoundforever.com

> >

> >Polysics interviewed here:

> >http://www.cultcargo.net

> >

> >

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