[kj] OT- Alex, Johnny speaks of the Ramones

Tim Bucknall tim.bucknall at googlemail.com
Sat Sep 22 15:13:56 EDT 2007

the Stooges stuff has def stood the test of time better than the dolls
stuff , which sounds very dated

but the stooges stuff sounds totally contemporary

On 21/09/2007, Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net> wrote:


> Kiss were *HUGELY* influenced by the `Dolls, there's no denying it (Peter

> Criss was also friends with some of them). But I think the Punks cite the

> `Dolls more for their spectacle-laden aesthetic, their "in your face"

> attitude and their style of playing, which accented energy and aggression

> over musicianship and finesse.



> But yeah, no Stooges = no Punk Rock.



> For his part, Johnny Rotten cites Alice Cooper as a massive influence (and

> even wrote the `Coop's liner notes on his box set of a few years back).



> Alex in NYC






> On Sep 21, 2007, at 12:06 PM, Neil Perry wrote:


> Nah, not me (not that I'm an 'original' punk...)


> I always presumed the first 'punk' band, in terms of a musical

> style/nihilistic attitude, was The Stooges. Don't really count

> the NY Dolls, but then never really rated them - to me if they

> influenced anyone it was Kiss (which is another gulf between

> US/UK perceptions).


> Why did the Sex Pistols cover 'No Fun'? The Stooges were 'punk' before the

> term/movement/whatever had been coined/invented.


> N



> *Leigh Newton <angrytomhanks at yahoo.com>* wrote:


> Are all the original brit-punks this easily offended?


> ----- Original Message ----

> From: iPat

> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)

> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 11:23:11 AM

> Subject: Re: [kj] OT- Alex, Johnny speaks of the Ramones



> thats what gets peoples back up when it comes down to it, this rather

> patronising attitude.


> >

> > Anyway, my money's on the Brits.

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