[kj] hey kings arms tonight

Pete Mate pete_mate at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 23 23:22:22 EDT 2008

malevolence and pisstake metal band from wellington

From: jo at arcadia.karoo.co.ukTo: vassifer at earthlink.net; gathering at misera.netDate: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 23:47:46 +0100Subject: Re: [kj] Blue Feather Story? - Alex

The "Blue Feather" story -- and I'm sure someone else here has more information about it than I do -- was initially suposed to be a single, but the subject matter evidently caused an argument within the band. As I understand it, Jaz has had -- in his lifetime - a recurring, perculiar habit of finding blue feathers in times of tumult, crisis or pivotal turmoil. I gather he interprets it as an omen of some kind. In any event, BPF didn't really think it fit in with the game plan, but Jaz refused to discuss the subject matter further (that certainly sounds like our boy, doesn't it?)
I think it's a great song, personally -- tho' fuck if I know what it means.
Alex in NYC


It's a nice story but I can't recall too much about it - it's a long ago and I'm not sure who told me (or how many times:-) - I've a feeling that it wasn't Jaz but might've been Geordie and/or Little Paul or BPF - all of them...shit I can't remember. It's when they'd just written and were rehearsing it.
As far as I recall the appearance of a blue feather had been 'omenic'. I'm fairly sure that one appeared when LP joined the band in some place and in some form, so this symbolically sealed his presence in the band; made him a real member. Whereas I can't remember the popular legend of where or why the Blue Feather phenomenon originated amongst them I think this particular manifestation could've accelerated their expression of it, ie the track. It gave me the impression that it made LP feel at home and accepted. On the other hand, if Jaz saw it as a bad omen perhaps that explains why there might've been some dischord, maybe it's a personal Jungism that he felt invaded; but whenever they played it, when I was there, it always sounded positive.
Who knows? I ate funny food at that time;-) and I'm sure that one of them will correct if my fucked memory has recalled bollocks..

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