[kj] KJ ticket

Jim Harper jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Aug 26 17:19:35 EDT 2008

Not to mention the fact that Taif, one-time very-briefly Killing Joke bassist (before Raven rejoined for Extremities), ended up working with Phillip Boa for a while too.
My brother has some Boa stuff (he lives in Jena in Thuringia), and some of it sounds pretty good.

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--- On Tue, 26/8/08, Karen Weil <karen.weil at sddt.com> wrote:

From: Karen Weil <karen.weil at sddt.com>
Subject: Re: [kj] KJ ticket
To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" <gathering at misera.net>
Date: Tuesday, 26 August, 2008, 9:58 PM

You have good taste, Judith!

----- Original Message -----
From: judithmuehlenbeck at freenet.de
To: gathering at misera.net
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] KJ ticket

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Hello Janvier,

to refer to your mail concerning "lurker"..  Well, I've got nothing to hide. To be honest, I just didn't dare to write to this list yet as my english is a bit rusty these days. I even had to look up what a lurker is to understand what you mean at all..

So let me introduce myself then: My name is Judith and I live in the south of Germany. I discovered the Joke only about half a year ago. Of course I wish I did much earlier. I was quite shocked that I never heard of them before. Phillip Boa, singer of German indie band Phillip Boa and the Voodoo Club, mentioned the song "Follow the leader" as one of his favourites. So I looked for KJ on youtube. First clips I saw were "Love Like Blood" and "Hosannas...." As I love both 80ies as well as heavy music, I was smitten immediately and started to search the internet for any information I could find about the band. I'm totally impressed about their notion, the bandwith of their music and Jaz's diverse musical career. I feel I've found something special, unfortunately very late..

First albums I got were Night Time and the self-titled from 1980, after listening to them I swore if I should ever get the chance to see them live, I would go. Seemed rather unlikely. The happier I was when I heard about the tour. So I'm really looking forward to my first KJ gig.

Other bands I'm into are System Of A Down, Phillip Boa & The Voodoo Club, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, The Prodigy, The Police, Sting, Kate Bush, Queen, Ladytron, Les Rita Mitsouko, David Bowie, Bauhaus, Aphex Twin.. to name a few.







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