[kj] Chat/IRC
bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Wed Feb 27 17:23:08 EST 2008
Sorry I mean the advent of the World Wide Web, which is on the
internet....which has been around since around '69.
> but most of us live in the real World
> Where since 1991 and the advent of the internet (now so ubiquitous that it
> doesn't require a capital I any more) all Nouns in a Sentence, proper or
> not, are capitalised (or capitalized in the 'States). Makes it easier for
> the germans I suppose. Sorry...the Germans.
> German's. Germans'?
> Fuck. Coredump! Blue screen....Wopner! Ragmop! Wingdings....REDROM!
> ()#*^$*#$&%^&#^*$&^#*$&^#$
>> "I also don't get why people can't spellcheck, use correct
>> capitalisation
>> and punctuation."
>> Prae : Are you sure that the Gathering is the right place for you? All
>> you ever do is moan and complain, thats all you ve ever done. Hasn't it
>> dawned on you that no gives a sh!t about your complaints and things just
>> aint gonna change, no matter how much you whinge . This a a mailing list
>> about Killing Joke and not an Oscar Wilde literary appreciation society.
>> People on this list don't write in full correct sentences and use the
>> correct punctuation because its beyond their capabilities . I dont even
>> know where apostrophes are supposed to go, i just chuck aposrophe's in
>> wherever I feel like it.
>> You may come from a quaint little village in Ireland where the postman
>> smiles at you and bids you a pleasant day and the air is pleasant to
>> breathe , but most of us live in the real World
>>> Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 19:13:36 +0000> From: praest76 at gmail.com> To:
>>> gathering at misera.net> Subject: Re: [kj] Chat/IRC> > On 25/02/2008, ade
>>> <ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk> wrote:> > Dude, I think the problem is that
>>> you're living in the past - as if anyone gives a flying fuck about
>>> netiquette these days. As if it's still important to conserve
>>> bandwidth.> > Well, ok not really these days, though I'm on a 5gig cap
>>> because I> live in Ireland which still exists in the previous century.>
>>> > I just think it's depressing to see people doing moronic things like>
>>> sending the weeks previous conversations or a quoted digest back to a>
>>> list. I don't get it. I also don't get why people can't spellcheck,>
>>> use
>>> correct capitalisation and punctuation. It's all an aid to>
>>> communication. There are loads of misunderstandings on this list and>
>>> others caused by people not being clear because they were in too much>
>>> of a rush to reply they didn't stop to think about the point they are>
>>> trying to get across and the best way to do it.> > Living in the past?
>>> Perhaps. Only if in the present people have given> up on language.
>>> People should give a fuck about netiquette. The net is> full of
>>> trolling
>>> and flaming mainly due to people just posting> constant illiterate
>>> gibberish without putting thought or effort into> it. Hell it's
>>> actually
>>> seen as "uncool" by a lot of kids online to use> correct grammar, so
>>> no-one knows what the fuck any of them are saying.> > > Anyway, I've
>>> stopped all the me too's, so the list should be fine now, LOL!!> > Stop
>>> taking it personally Ade. I purely want people to put a bit more>
>>> thought into their postings, and to whether or not they want just to>
>>> be
>>> heard, or actually understood.> > -- > PRAEst76>
>>> http://www.escapism.co.uk/praest76>
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