[kj] FW: No KJ/October File tour/p.i.l
Brendan Quinn
bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Sun Jan 20 21:29:48 EST 2008
LOL :-)
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of ade
Sent: Monday, 21 January 2008 12:22 p.m.
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: Re: [kj] FW: No KJ/October File tour/p.i.l
PiLLING JOKE - fucking yes please!
-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On
Behalf Of melinda grant
Sent: 20 January 2008 22:53
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: Re: [kj] FW: No KJ/October File tour/p.i.l
you mentioned paul -beatle-mcartney brendan,do you know i had not ever
noticed he plays the bass ;),after hearing the frog corus,i was gone,well
away from anything else he did-well apart from youths collaborations with
paul mc...-thats different
we might as well have both big paul and martin atkinds on the drums,there
both bloody powerful on there own,but together,it will bring the place
down,ok they need to pratice,but its still there somewhere within both those
drummer boys :D
both gordie and keith lavien on the guitars-to much??
this will end up beeing a "killing joke--public image ltd" collaboration--
killing image /public joke oopppss/ joke ltd/limited killing!
milinda ps could you imagin john and jaz fighting for the centre spot fir
vocals ;D)))))) what a laugh!!!
From: bq at soundgardener.co.nz
To: gathering at misera.net
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 08:36:37 +1300
Subject: Re: [kj] FW: No KJ/October File tour
Glad all the man love isn't being reserved for Auntie Gladys, fair's fair ;)
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of Alexander Smith
Sent: Monday, 21 January 2008 6:16 a.m.
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: Re: [kj] FW: No KJ/October File tour
I would LOVE for it to be Youth -- but is he up for it?
Nothing would seem righter at this juncture in the band's history than for
the original four to reconvene. Breath not held, however.
Alex in NYC
On Jan 20, 2008, at 11:59 AM, melinda grant wrote:
youth of course, he is the original member line-up for bass,as you asked,
alex do you not have much faith in him? or was that a queerie curious q ;)
,and he is good,for those who think he is no longer up to it,youth has
enough time to prove any doubters wrong,give the lad a chance hay ;)
for any who have lost faith in youths playing(i am not one of them btw) how
about jah wobble? sod it,have then both ha ha ha,that would be cool!!!
From: vassifer at earthlink.net
To: gathering at misera.net
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 11:52:41 -0500
Subject: Re: [kj] FW: No KJ/October File tour
Sad but predictable question: in the event of another KJ tour --- who will
be playing bass?
Alex in NYC
On Jan 20, 2008, at 10:54 AM, melinda grant wrote:
From: hollytree1961 at hotmail.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: RE: [kj] No KJ/October File tour
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 15:48:44 +0000
good atleast that k.j are planning to tour at some point in this year,but
you know what jaz is like,says something,then its changed the next
second,lets hope he means what he said this time ;)
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 14:29:28 +0000
From: cormacdj at yahoo.co.uk
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: [kj] No KJ/October File tour
Sorry if this is old news but someone recently put a link up to this:
wsitemID=79271> &newsitemID=79271
Just spoken with Jaz, in Prague, and he knows nothing about any forthcoming
tour with October File. He stated categorically that KJ will not be taking
any part in this, however, they are planning to tour sometime this year.
Sent from Yahoo!
vt=51949/*http:/uk.docs.yahoo.com/mail/winter07.html> - a smarter inbox.
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